I-SiL Regular Body A-Silicone


If you need an A-silicone solution for making high grade dental impressions, I-SiL Regular Body is an excellent product to choose. It comes with a medium viscosity and consistency and help with implant, crown and bridge impressions, as it can be used for both inlay and onlay impressions.

SKU: 41 Category:


It’s notable for the very good hydrophilicity and the end product has strong resistance to deformation or tearing. This allows for the I-SiL Regular Body to make accurate and durable silicone impressions.

How to use:

  • Place a cartridge of the I-SiL Regular Body into the dispenser
  • Be careful not to cause a blockage when dispensing the base and the catalyst
  • To achieve the best mixing results – press the trigger gently and slowly
  • The ready mixture should be placed on the tray, which should be seated during work time
  • Remove the tray once done